Showing records 0 - 30 (10057928 total, 2 in query)
SELECT Last_Name,First_Name,Middle_Name,B_yr,B_mo,B_dy,Mothers_Last_Name,Fathers_Last_Name,Sex,Bp,County_of_Death,D_yr,D_mo,D_dy,SS_Number,Age,idno from cadeaths_ygen00 where 1 and Last_Name like "borba" and First_Name like "manuel" and D_yr like "1947" and Sex like "male" order by SS_Number ASC LIMIT 0, 30
Last_Name First_Name Middle_Name B_yr B_mo B_dy Mothers_Last_Name Fathers_Last_Name Sex Bp County_of_Death D_yr D_mo D_dy SS_Number Age idno
 BORBA   MANUEL      1879   01   21         MALE   RE   SANTA CLARA   1947   04   25      68   639754 
 BORBA   MANUEL   P   1881   08   10   JOAO   SILVERIA   MALE   RE   MERCED   1947   05   20      65   639755 

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