State-Compiled Oregon Deaths
The Complete Collection From Vitalsearch &

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Welcome to the Oregon Deaths Database. First time viewers should visit the About This Database section below before continuing. Otherwise please choose from the following:
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About This Database

Search Input Requirement: Indexed Document Scan Type II (first time users are encouraged to view this link) and should review our First Time Users Document.

The Oregon State death databases are comprised of entries 1951-1960, 1903-1998, & 1999-2000 displayed in graphic presentation form. Specifically years 1951-1960 are organized as indexed-documents and years 1999-2000 virtual-fiche. Years 1903-1998 are linked to

1951-1960, Indexed-Documents:
Selecting this database will lead the Searches to a page where a search box requests an entry of a Surname. A typical document retrieved is provided below, abridged:

See this page for field descriptions.

1999-2000, Virtual-Fiche:
Selecting any decade group will cause a search box to appear on the bottom portion of the screen into which the Searcher is to type in the Subject's Surname only (the name formatting is described below). Entering the name and selecting the "Search" button or "Enter" on your keyboard will cause the following example virtual-fiche sheet to appear:

See this page for field descriptions.

The selected sheet will contain 252 individual frames plus 18 index frames (organized in a 18x15 matrix) where your Subject's name will appear if it's in this database year-window. Rather than selecting each of the 252 individual frames, it is strongly recommended that the Searcher select the "idx" (for index) links at the bottom of the sheet. This will lead you to a page that will provide you with a further name breakdown for each sheet.

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